Joined up thinking within and around the special education community
Connections and contributions to and from key stakeholders, focused around the child:

The Show Me project will funded, resourced and managed to be delivered in strands, as follows:
Recruit and connect parents, carers, professionals and academics with special schools across the UK with a website to facilitate the sharing of information, data and communication.

Create and share a database of app recommendations, by objective and device, with guides for their use with SEND children, all with a simple step-by-step approach for parents and carers to follow.
(C) "DATA"
Build data collection tools into the Programmes to aggregate data on results to allow data analysis through academic and commercial partnerships, to help learn and improve all aspects of the Programmes.

Link into academic and corporate research programmes to accelerate the deployment of scientific advances into Programme practices, starting with “Personalised Brain Training”, using EEG scanning to directly measure progress.
Facilitate the availability of devices and software, people and funding to help run the Programmes with participating kids.

Can you help? Want to get involved?